Fionamceachran submitted the following stories to BizSugar

In true late-to-the-game fashion, I have recently fallen in love with Pinterest! It ranks up there with the likes of getting to meet Johnny Depp, the best dessert you ever ate, and your husband doing all laundry and cooking for an entire month. Read More
Pinterest is a hot new social network for 2012, and for good reason. It’s a great concept, a little similar to Evernote, but very user friendly.
If you have a WordPress website and you have already set up a Pinterest account, you can stay ahead of the trend, and install one of the new Pinterest w Read More
99 Proven Ways for Small Businesses to Market with Images and Design.
When you first pick up Visual Marketing, it feels more like it’s come from the art and design section of the bookstore, rather than the small business section. The unusual size (which reassembles an art drawing book), the strik Read More
Pinterest is quickly becoming the “talked about” thing, well one of the thousands and thousands of talked about things. I’ve seen articles about Pinterest increase explode in my NetNewsWire over the past few weeks, and discussion about the “pinboard” site seems to be daily around my house these day Read More
Richard Branson is an entrepreneur that needs no introduction. And his latest book follows in his tradition of keeping book titles that know how to get attention. Just think back to "Losing my Virginity" and "Screw It Let's Do It". Read More
Facebook’s new personal profile timeline puts your personal brand in a new light, and gives you a lot more control over how your appear to your peers, customers and potential customers. The impact is highly visual, and gives you a lot more scope to create a unique impression. Read More
It's no secret that small businesses should be embracing social media as a great way to build relationships with their customers. Read More
Aged Care Consultant Kristine Fletcher-Wode and Registered Nurse Ann Bingham, have launched the re-design of Complete Aged Care with a new logo, and a new website to promote their face-to-face placement services, and also lead a community of experts assisting carers and family members of elderly lo Read More
I’ve made my own websites (design and development) and I’ve worked with offshore developers to code designs. One was for a WordPress blog and the other is an eCommerce website (I’m launching it for a client this week).
In my opinion here are the pro’s and con’s of getting your website developed of Read More

The Value of a Facebook Fan

The Value of a Facebook Fan  - Avatar Posted by fionamceachran under Social Media
From 4527 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Tribe on January 9, 2012 11:18 pm
One of the biggest trends in 2011, was for business pages to gather "fans". These are people who click "Like" on a particular Facebook business page. There has been ongoing debate about whether the quantity of fans really means more income for the business, and this leads to discussions on what i Read More

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