ShashiBellamkonda voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The television series, Mad Men, can teach you a thing or two about business. There are lessons to be learned.It’s definitely is not an educational series, in fact you could write a long list of things to unlearn from watching. I like to take any educational value I can get from content that I consu Read More
When you're a small business, every dollar you spend on any type of advertising needs to show some return on investment (ROI). Companies of all sizes focus on the ROI when it comes to paid ads - both display and text pay per click (PPC). ROI becomes even more ambiguous to track in social media comm Read More
Need some motivational tips to get out of your rut? Here's some information on how to stay positive and move forward. Read More
Businesses may have gotten comfortable with the brand presence they built on their Facebook Page.  However, on March 30th, 2012, their page is going to change. Ten tips on what to do to your business page Read More
This the National Mentorship month and the White House held an event to honor 12 Small Business Champions of Change from all over the US on March 7, 2012. I had the great honor to attend this event ( and Network Solutions, the companies I work for, were active supporters of this event and so Read More
Are you considering buying a new iPad for your small business? Maybe you already braved the crowds at an Apple store a few weeks ago, or perhaps you’re on the waiting list. If you’re still on the fence about buying an iPad (or iPads) for your business, check out this post I wrote last year about ho Read More
The Internet has revolutionized the role small businesses have in the larger economy. Despite smaller spaces, they can now compete with larger businesses through an effective online presence. Read More
Nice story of a small business that grew up and 15 hyears later is ringing the bell at NASDAQ. In 1997, David Brown, Chairman and CEO, had a dream and a strong desire to serve what he believed was a forgotten market: small business. His wife is a small business owner. He didn’t want small Read More

4 Social Media Myths Debunked

4 Social Media Myths Debunked - Avatar Posted by NetworkSolutions under Social Media
From 4474 days ago
Made Hot by: smallbizwoman on March 5, 2012 5:40 am
Think you know all there is to know about social media? Before you answer, you might want to check out these four social media myths dubbed “unicorns-and-rainbows” by online marketing pro Dan Zarrella. If you’re superstitious about magical marketing quick-fixes, keep reading. Read More
Next Thursday, February 23, 2012, from 7 to 8 pm New York time, we'll be holding a Twitter chat.  On hand will be representatives of Symantec, to give tips about data backup — and how to avoid a data disaster. Read More

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