Audio or Video Podcasts?

Audio or Video Podcasts? - Avatar Posted by hishaman under Marketing
From 5022 days ago
Made Hot by: ShawnHessinger on September 2, 2010 6:09 am
Yet why is it that so many of us are using the video format when we should rely on the audio format?

These are the factors you should consider when you decide between creating a video or audio podcast


Written by ericbrown13
5021 days ago

hell yeah video podcast for me...

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Written by businessavante
5022 days ago

Great points on Audio -v- Video podcasting! I whole heartedly agree! I can listen to a podcast while I'm doing things. Tip for video podcasts: use a longer (more toward telephoto) lens setting, and don't sit too close to the lens. A wide angle lens close to the subject greatly distorts perspective (along the lines of a "fish eye" lens). If you're close to a wide angle lens and move your head 2", your whole head changes shape in very odd ways. Photographers use a "portrait" lens for headshots - in 35mm terms, from 85-150mm i.e. short telephoto. (I've been wanting to get this off my chest for a while!)


Written by ShawnHessinger
5022 days ago

Online video also creates a sense of intimacy no other online medium can match. I agree, audio can be great for multi-tasking since you can listen to it while doing something else, but I also don't feel you need to demonstrate your favorite chili recipe or give a tutorial on setting up your linked profile just to make a video interesting.

Written by hishaman
5022 days ago

Yes, it's really interesting read for me, specially the that part: "DO something! I don’t need to watch you talk"

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