Content marketing is one of the most successful marketing techniques used by businesses today. The key goal of content marketing is creating content that is valuable, relevant, and consistent. Content marketers’ main aim is to attract an audience composed of those who can influence customer action.


Written by tiroberts
3359 days ago

I love evergreen content. It never goes out of style.

Written by ronsela
3359 days ago

Hi Ti, I totally agree. Creating evergreen content is definitely something that can generate results for the long-run. Have a great weekend!

Written by lyceum
3362 days ago

Ron: I am mentor for 1 year (with 12 meetings) for a small business owner who wants to find visitor to her blog and customers to her forthcoming site. We talked about content creation and how an article on the topic of common misconception, e.g., the Netherlands is often described as Holland by Swedes. If you write a blog post on this issue, it could turn up in the search engines, over time as an evergreen piece.

Written by ronsela
3362 days ago

Hi Martin, it sounds like a great option. Assuming that this topic will be of interest in the future, it can certainly end up as evergreen content.

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