Facebook is starting to make businesses pay to reach their own fans. Here's why that's wrong, and what you should do instead.

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Written by tiroberts
4223 days ago

A fantastic article, Brad. I 100% agree with you. More businesses should spend their time building their OWN list, not spending more money to try to reach Facebook's list that, which, as you mentioned, you have to PAY to reach.

I use the social networks such as FB and Twitter for the purpose of increased social engagement with my audience, that's it. I can't depend on these platforms to build my list for me. Yes, a chunk of my traffic comes through social medias, but I've yet to spend a dime to generate it. And, I don't plan on too anytime soon.

Thanks for sharing the fabulously written article with our BizSugar community. I appreciate it!


Written by FixCourse
4223 days ago

Thanks - really appreciate it! Social media is definitely great for a lot of things... but like you said - I wouldn't bank on it. There are MUCH better avenues for that. Thanks again!

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