Ronika submitted the following stories to BizSugar

“I want to create a rival to Twitter. So I want it exactly the same except where it says What’s Happening? I want it to say How are you feeling?”
This pretty much sums up the type of client we don't want - unrealistic expectations, unimaginative and just plain clueless. Conversely, there are some Read More
As an accountant, I occasionally (literally) get shoeboxes of documents from my small business clients. Receipts are stuffed in and scrunched up and comprise everything from gas (good) to toilet paper (bad). As I contemplate the mind numbing exercise where I will have to sift through everything, Read More
Every small business should consider setting up a facebook business page. Except for your time (which, of course, is an opportunity cost), there are no explicit costs to setting up a page, and the rewards can be significant. Keep in mind that, after you have set up your page and have found 25 peo Read More
Many of us have clients who are annoying, cheap, stupid , high maintenance or some combination thereof. As a new business owner, we are often stuck with these clients because we need them. However, we look forward to the day when we will have the thriving business that we so deserve, and fantasiz Read More
For the majority of income earners, employment status is pretty evident. If you are going to the same place every day, have an assigned cubicle with a computer and corporate stapler, and your boss tells you what you need to do, chances are you are an employee. Conversely if you have several clie Read More
When people hear the term accounting, there is an involuntary reaction whereby the comprehension centres (the medical term) of their brains tend to shut down, and sleep mode is activated. This is unfortunate, as accounting, especially to a small business owner, can actually be quite interesting. Read More

The Many Hats of Self Employment

The Many Hats of Self Employment  - Avatar Posted by ronika under Startups
From 5003 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on September 23, 2010 6:40 pm
Being self employed comes with many benefits. You can sleep in, work in your pyjamas and go shopping in the middle of the day. You no longer have to report to a boss who doesn't really understand what you do or deal with mindless workplace politics. It all sounds wonderful, but unfortunately the Read More
Blood, toils, tears and sweat go into building our businesse; however their values are very rarely a direct product of our efforts. A recent bidding war between HP and Dell pushed the stock price of 3Par from $10.00 to $33.00 over a two week period. The company ultimately sold for $2Billion. It Read More
There comes a point in many people's lives when they want to find out what they are worth. This is much more difficult to quantify on a metaphysical level; however on a tangible level most people can figure out how much wealth they have created over time. The definition of net worth is, very simp Read More
Managing cash flow can be challlenging for many startups and small businesses. Cash flow issues arise for many different reasons and can have a significant impact on the health of a business. Below are 20 tips to help improve cash flow in the short term: Read More

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