Uttoransen submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Effectively communicating with your audience is crucial for successfully marketing your brand. This has never been more important in age of digital marketing where there are several communication channels you can mess up. This includes the likes of social media, your own blog, and your email list. Read More

5 E-commerce Tools that will Increase Online Sales

5 E-commerce Tools that will Increase Online Sales - http://tweakyourbiz.com Avatar Posted by uttoransen under Customer Service
From http://tweakyourbiz.com 3080 days ago
Made Hot by: luvhealthcare on December 27, 2015 4:09 pm
Keep in mind that there is more to shopping than just clicking the checkout button. The scope of the shopping experience includes several other factors outside the act of shopping itself. It includes the experience of learning more about a particular product, trusting the authority of the seller, a Read More
Often, people are not being intentionally difficult; they simply may not understand what you expect of them. Far too many managers fail to communicate clearly or at all and are then surprised when desired results aren’t delivered. Read More
In both personal and professional environments, a misspoken word can create tension or break up a relationship in a matter of seconds. Worse, occasionally these communication blips occur without the speaker even realizing what he said was offensive.

In our increasingly connected global community Read More
Whether it’s your time or someone else’s, each hour is valuable.

Spending those hours in the most productive way possible isn’t just lucrative.

And what better way to maximize your productivity than by repurposing the material that takes so much time to create?

Your content. Read More
The Power of International Advertising

International advertising plays a critical role in creating brand recognition for many companies, including Apple, McDonald’s, Nike, Disney and Toyota. Although advertising isn’t solely responsible for the success of these brands, it would be difficult to i Read More
So much goes on in the blogosphere - how do you stay updated?

While there’s no dearth of quality content in the online marketing space - we decided to compile a top 125 list, thus making sure we have included all of our favorite marketing articles.

So, without further delay - here’s the best Read More
Once a brand achieves success in its domestic market, top management usually explores opportunities to market the brand internationally. Multi-national companies continuously investigate new opportunities to grow their market share by entering emerging markets Read More
Succeeding in internationalization sometimes requires a company to review how well internationalization aligns with the company’s strategic planning, its products, the requirements of the international market that it seeks to enter and the company’s ability to monitor and maintain the expansion Read More
The opportunity to expand internationally offers businesses a number of potential advantages. In addition to selling goods and services in potentially more lucrative markets, international expansion strengthens a firm’s competitiveness by allowing it to entrench and fortify new markets and facilit Read More

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