Electric cattle-prods?

Rip out his fingernails?

Nope. I think this song will do the trick...


Written by saraib820
4665 days ago

The Ceasescu video might be graphic but he got what he deserved. Never forget the orphanages in Romania where kids lived in abject squalor and thousands died of starvation. A hideous excuse for a human being.

Written by businessavante
4665 days ago

Too bad they didn't have that video in 1960 - they could've played it while (as Werner Klemperer put it in the intro of movie) his feet dangled & danced like a puppet. In effect, he could've "danced" to the video.

Written by yoni67
4665 days ago


It would be ultimate justice! Look at a guy like Adolf.

BTW: I saw this gem in the paper yesterday:

Church officials asked West Germany to help Eichmann in 1960

(After he was captured by Mossad of course)

According to Der Spiegel, church leader Wilhelm Mensing-Braun - Superintendent of the Protestant Church for Upper Austria - described Eichmann as 'fundamentally decent,' 'kind-hearted,' and characterized by 'great helpfulness'.


Written by businessavante
4665 days ago

For what it's worth - half-joking - sometimes I think murderers should be put through what they did to their victims. Having lunch with my Dad in my 30's years ago, I mentioned it, following up by saying it wouldn't work because they'd never get an executioner to do it. A physician, sworn to heal - who refused to carry a sidearm in WWII, but a master of psychology, he chuckled & said: "Buddy, they'd be lined up around the corner!"

Written by yoni67
4665 days ago


Feel free to delete the two Nicolai videos after you view, at your discretion. Although historical and a documentary, they aren't very Bizzy or Sugary.

Written by yoni67
4665 days ago

Sorry, it would be this one in English:

The end of Nicolai Ceauscescu of Romania:

Graphic content:


Written by businessavante
4665 days ago

Yoni, as cruel & inhuman as the video is, I think if the rebels get him...well, the fear of every dictator is what happened to Mussolini. This could be even worse - or they could do Both!


Written by businessavante
4665 days ago

It was what they did to Mussolini after he was shot to death that scares most dictators.

The rebels have taken Mo's compound - they're looting as we speak. I didn't see the Romanian video, I just read about it on wiki.

Written by yoni67
4665 days ago

I'll nix this one.

Written by yoni67
4665 days ago

I'll make a $50 donation to BizSugar if you put this on Editor's Choice.

Written by yoni67
4665 days ago

I've only watched it once and I've already developed a nervous tic.

Written by yoni67
4665 days ago

Sorry. A bit off topic. But I couldn't resist.

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