Featuring BizSugar members has always been popular with our users. We’ve launched a new way to get to know each other. Thanks to our member Martin Lindeskog, we will have regular podcast episodes on his EGO NetCast podcast. The first episode explained what we’re doing here at BizSugar. Today, you can find out more about two of our most active BizSugar members as Martin is featuring David Leonhardt on this EGO NetCast podcast.


Written by lyceum
1729 days ago

Phil: Thanks for your kind words!

David: Thanks again for your time and the conversation!

All the Best,


Written by pvariel
1730 days ago

Hey Dave and Martin,

What a joy to hear you both.

It's really good to hear the second one in the new series.


Gail and Martin did a great job by startin this wonderful initiative on the pages of Bizsugar Mastermind.

Though it's a bit difficult thing to do, I fully agree with Dave on being present everywhere.

It is difficult but it helps us a lot in the long run.

Well done Martin and David.

Keep it up.

Keep going.

All the best.

Keep sharing.

I just shared on twitter by tagging you all. :-)

~ Phil

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