Your Business May Offer Too Much for Free

Your Business May Offer Too Much for Free - Avatar Posted by Entrepreneurosaurus under Sales
From 4174 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on December 27, 2012 7:55 pm
Many entrepreneurs believe strongly in the value of their products and services and love to help customers. But offers too many products and services for free can cause a huge problem for business owners and their customers. Entrepreneurs won't make enough money to keep their businesses and continue providing the products and services their customers love if they give everything away for free. Here are some things to consider when deciding where to draw the line for providing work, products or services for free, says book publishing coach Kristen Ecksein.


Written by MarkT
4106 days ago

Hey Kristen,

Unique post. A lot of businesses and freelancers fall into this trap of offering too much for free.

I throughly enjoyed reading the article. Great post :)

- Mark T.

Written by tiroberts
4173 days ago

Great post, Kristen. There's a thin line when it comes to using freebies to get more subscribers and build your business. It's important to find the balance, especially when you're doing blogging and content marketing. You want to make sure you're giving enough valuable information away to get and keep your audience's attention while at the same time leaving them wanting more so you can produce revenue inside your business. Thanks for sharing your insights on this topic. Glad to have found you on


Written by Herby
4173 days ago

Great post, I think a lot of new tech companies make that mistakes using a freemium business model and they sometimes offer to much for free.

Written by NanoTechnologyMedia
4174 days ago

Hmmm, this makes me think. Sometimes, there are people out there who tend to be abuse things/people that are free. They tend to get demanding.

Written by HeatherStone
4174 days ago

Hi Kristen,

Very cool post and very true! People become accustomed to expecting things for nothing. The idea of offering some benefits for free should not turn into a devaluing of all your products. Was glad to see your great post shared on the BizSugar community.

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