5 Hot Gmail Tips and an Email Intervention

5 Hot Gmail Tips and an Email Intervention  - http://grindandthrive.com Avatar Posted by Ileane under Technology
From http://grindandthrive.com 4687 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on August 3, 2011 4:09 pm
Google has taken the social web by storm with the introduction of Google Plus, and provided a shiny new tinker-toy for all of us computer geeks to play with. But amidst all the excitement and distractions, you may not have realized how Google has slowly been adding new functionality to an old forgotten friend – Gmail. So let's dust her off, and take her for a ride; shall we?


Written by TimoK
4685 days ago

These tips are golden!

I never realized that you can use Gmail for phone calls. Have to give that feature a try.

Written by SEORabbit
4675 days ago

Agreed, great tips!

I've been using Google Phone for a while now, and it's very neat. You get to have your own local number, and it's pretty much the same as having a regular phone.

Written by Ileane
4684 days ago

Hi TimoK, it's a relatively new feature but it works great!

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